Monday, November 26, 2012

Eye Candy: Miss Earth 2012 - A Televised Joke

Come on.

Why is regional network Star World taking this pageant seriously? Taking the cue from Miss World's mantra: Beauty With A Purpose, Miss Earth pales in comparison.  For one thing, who can really believe a pageant based in the Philippines that yaps a lot about protecting the environment is for real?

The Philippines may have beautiful coral reefs but the nation is also the largest culprits for the destruction of the reefs.  On top of that, how many other nations can boast cities borne from trash?

Ok take the message away and most people just want to see girls in swimwear right?  Everything is expected to be polished and glamorous.

Well, Miss Earth has never been any of those two qualities.  The production standards are consistently low and this year's broadcast is just a disaster.

Someone in the production team thought it was such a brilliant idea to have the show outdoors and beamed live without the possibly of retakes.  So, on top of not having enough lighting to do the beauties justice, the girls then had to contend with wet floors (yes the girls slipped), winds that destroyed hair dos, and bad sound.

At one point they used JLo's Papi as a soundtrack, but you could hardly make it out.

The show is a veiled attempt at wrapping an infomercial in glamor.  Every other segment, the show would show the girls at a sponsor's venue, and there were lots.  I wondered how these girls manage to travel up and down the Philippines to make appearances in the provinces and still have the energy to do the live show!  And if that was not bad enough, the producers seemed bounded to show ALL the sponsors, and they had this visual rolodex of different venues / sponsors, with each lasting about 10 seconds.  Zip Zip Zip and there were lots.

The pageant honestly gave a new meaning to windswept hair and it is mind boggling that nations would still send representatives to this.

Please, Star World, cut the shoddy productions.  You may  have gotten the broadcast rights cheap, or even free, but don't you think your channel deserves better?

Your viewers do.

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