Monday, December 17, 2007

Fashion: 2007 Lookback

The year is coming to a close. And international fashion became even harder to understand for the average consumer, even as it raised its aspirational quotient. 

In the next few entries, let me try to pick out the more whimsical approaches and directions fashion has taken and make sense of the beauty.

Surrealism is certainly not what the average consumer would want to put in their wardrobes.  Nevertheless, it is the art that inspired many houses in 2007.  From Miu Miu's teacup handle-heel shoes to Marc Jacobs' slip on pumps, everyone was going back to the museums to soak in the art vibe from the best of the Surrealists like Dali and Oppenheim.

Some may say that it is a little too yuksome, while others may say fashion is art and mirroring other artforms is what it is about.

I say, if it looks good, wear it!

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